
  Application closed

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Bikeway Grant Program provides funds to promote bicycling as an alternate mode of transportation in New Jersey.

two people riding bicycle

Bikeways Program Milestones


April - July

Resolution Due

No later than July 31

Grant Announcement

No later than November 30

Project Award

24 months after Grant Announcements

Who is Eligible

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  • New Jersey Counties

  • New Jersey Municipalities

  • Facilities with no restrictions on hours of use (apart from dusk-to-dawn closings, as in some parks)

  • Projects not considered for funding under other State Aid and Federal Aid programs

Program Benefits

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    Encourage bicycling and walking as an alternate mode of transportation

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    Improve quality of life

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    Make roadways safer

Selection Criteria

New Miles

Creation of new bikeways/lane mileage.


Separation from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier either within the highway or independent right of way.


Connection to existing local or regional bicycling system.

Service to the Public

Improved access to public facilities.

Complete Streets

Adopted Complete Street Resolution and evidence of an Implementation Plan.

Bicycle Network

Part of a bicycle network adopted in the municipal master plan.

Project Profile

Mays Landing Road Bikeway Project, Somers Point

Mays Landing Road is the principal east-west arterial across the southern portion of Somers Point. The project involved restriping the shoulders along Mays Landing Road to create five-foot bike lanes with a four-foot buffer. The bike lanes will connect Route 9 and the new Garden State Parkway Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge, providing access to Cape May County and the Somers Point-Pleasantville Bike Path and NJ Route 52 Causeway to the east that provides access to Ocean City.

How to Apply to State Aid Programs

Applications must be made through the SAGE system. Instructions are available. The major components are the Scope of Work, explaining how the project meets each of the criteria, and the Data Sheet. All applications must include maps, and photos are encouraged to show expected project achievements. All applications are scored based in part on the online applications and supporting documentation.

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