Resource Center News

(Trenton) – Governor Phil Murphy today announced $11.7 million in Fiscal Year 2025 Safe Streets to Transit Program (SSTT) grants for 21 projects in 10 counties.

“Mass transit is a critical component in moving New Jerseyans efficiently throughout our state and region, and it is critical that we prioritize their safety throughout the entire travel experience,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “The Safe Streets to Transit Program promotes the use of public transit by empowering communities to make necessary infrastructure improvements so that our residents can travel to and from transit facilities easily and safely.”

“Nothing is more important to me than the safety of our transportation system for all users, particularly those who are most vulnerable – pedestrians and the mobility impaired,” NJDOT Commissioner Fran O’Connor said. “I appreciate Governor Murphy and the Legislature’s commitment to the Safe Routes to Transit Program by making additional funds available so more communities can improve sidewalks and provide safe and convenient crosswalks near bus and rail stations.”

The Safe Streets to Transit (SSTT) program is one of several pedestrian safety initiatives funded through the State Transportation Trust Fund (TTF). The SSTT program provides funding to counties and municipalities to improve the overall safety and accessibility for mass transit riders walking to transit facilities. The program encourages transit users to walk to transit stations and facilitates the implementation of projects and activities that will improve pedestrian conditions within a 1-mile radius of a transit facility or station.

Traditionally, the SSTT program provides $1 million in grants annually. This year, additional funding was appropriated for Grants-in-Aid in the amount of $16 million for the Safe Streets to Transit Program, Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities/Accommodations, and the Transit Village Program. Of the $16 million, $9.3 million was provided for the SSTT Program. An additional $1.4 million was also appropriated for Pedestrian Safety Grants and applied to the SSTT program. These additional funds, combined with the usual $1 million for the program, bring the total FY25 SSTT funding to $11.7 million.

Projects are awarded on a competitive basis taking into consideration proximity to a transit facility, safety, accessibility, project need and equity criteria to benefit low-income and minority populations. Click here to see a list of the 21 municipalities receiving FY 2025 Safe Streets to Transit grants totaling $11.7 million.

The Safe Streets to Transit Program, as well as other Local Aid state-funded grant programs, benefit residents by enabling local governments to complete necessary projects on roads under their jurisdiction without burdening local taxpayers. For NJDOT news follow us on X (Twitter) @NewJerseyDOT, on the NJDOT Facebook page, or Instagram @NewJersey.DOT.