“I am committed to maintaining and improving New Jersey’s local transportation infrastructure by providing financial assistance, technical expertise and training related to the application process for traditional and non-traditional transportation initiatives.” - NDJOT Commissioner, Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Grant application cycles are closing soon 7.1.20
Categories included:
- Bikeway
- Bridge Preservation
- Mobility
- Pedestrian Safety
- Quality of Life
- Roadway Preservation
- Roadway Safety
Each program application will be evaluated independently, affording counties and municipalities the opportunity to receive funding in more than one category. All projects must comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Visit the State Aid Handbook for additional information.
SAGE is where you submit applications: Online Application System for Administering Grants Electronically (SAGE)
Atlantic Ocean Hurricane Season is Here: June 1 thru November 30
While we hope for an uneventful 2020 Hurricane season, we know it is better to be prepared than just hope for the best.
The Emergency Relief (ER) Program Is a federally-funded program to aid in the repair of Federal-aid highways (all public roads not functionally classified as either local or rural minor collectors), which have suffered serious damage as a result of a natural disaster or catastrophic failure from an external cause, such as:
- Hurricane
- Earthquake
- Tornado
- Flood
Steps to Follow if an Emergency is Declared
- Watch the Local Aid Emergency Relif Video
- Take Multiple Photos & Caption Each: As soon as it is safe, document the disaster with time/date-stamped photos and descriptive captions.
- Locate all ER Documents to Apply for Funds: Email sent annually every June to County Engineers with necessary information or located online: https://njdotlocalaidrc.com
- Contact your Local District Office or the Local Aid Resource Center: Inspections will be scheduled with NJDOT, FHWA, and County representatives to assess the site.
How to Submit the Best Photos
- Take multiple photos: Provide different angles; the more photos, the better. Please reference the Federal Highway Administration’s Detailed Damage Inspection Report (FHWA-1547 DDIR).
- Caption each photo: Be detailed with your descriptions & include the date and time.
Learn more by watching the video: Emergency Relief Program