Course Description:

This course is specifically being offered to New Jersey municipal and county public works and utilities participants who require an overview of working safely in the roadway. As new or veteran employees enter or re-enter the public works profession, they are frequently required to set up short-term work zones or are assigned to long-term projects. There are no allowances for errors when working next to traffic, so it is important for personnel to have a solid understanding of work zone safety compliance with the national MUTCD standards.

This course is open to New Jersey Municipal and County Utility and Public Works personnel only and does not satisfy the Traffic Control Coordinator Program’s Work Zone Safety Awareness class prerequisite

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the purpose and the organization of the MUTCD
  • Understand the purpose of the temporary traffic control devices
  • Describe the fundamental principles of temporary traffic control (TTC)

Intended Audience:

New Jersey Municipal and County Utility and Public Works personnel




2 PDH, 2 CPWM Technical Contact Hours


Gordon Meth, P.E., PTOE, PTP, RSP2I, Transportation Engineering Expert Witness, Robson Forensic


This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.